Thursday, July 11, 2013


“I feel like The Lord is telling me I need to be more open minded toward something where I have been very narrow minded”.  I was stunned by what was coming out of my own mouth as I chatted with some friends at a party a few weeks ago.  What I realized in the coming days is that The Lord was already changing my heart long before he brought it to my conscious mind. I thought, from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks as I processed what was happening in my narrow minded thinking on a particular matter. To tell you the truth, my strong will refused and I dug my heels into my stand.  In an effort to hold tightly to what I have known my entire life I began following more people who share my view and thinking. Yesterday another quote came out of my mouth that surprised me but it was something I believe made God smile! No need to go into specific details because the bottom line can be applied to all areas in our lives. I encourage you to ask God to show you where you may be a little narrow minded and to go deeper why. My God is not done with me regarding this matter. Honestly, I’m thankful but dang.

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